Volume 25 | Number 1
Protein Malnutrition in the World and Its Economic Aspects
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 3-7.
Louis Křikava, J. HrubýProtein-Calorie Malnutrition and the Small Intestine
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 11.
Olga Marečková, Jiří Pechar, Ivo SkálaBottle-Feeding of the Newborn and Infants with Regard to the Protein and Fat Allowance
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 12-15.
Václav Melichar, Jaroslav ZoulaBiosynthesis of Proteins from Crude Oil Hydrocarbons and Their Nutritive Value
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 15.
Zdeněk Fencl, Josef Mašek, Olga MarečkováExperimental Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 22.
Jiří Pechar, Olga Marečková, Ivo SkálaAlbumin Reserves as a Criterium of Protein Rehabilitation
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 23-28.
V. KudličkaSome Methodical Aspects of Investigations of Protein Metabolism in Patients with Liver Diseases
Roč. 25, č. 1 (1971), s. 29-32.
Lubomír Kužela, Jaroslav Horký