Volume 25 | Number 3
Functional Response of the Digestive Tube to the Ingestion of Milk in Lactose Intolerance
Roč. 25, č. 3 (1971), s. 81-89.
František Pirk, Ivo SkálaNon-Specific Mesenterial Lymphadenitis as a Clinical Unit
Roč. 25, č. 3 (1971), s. 90-97.
R. VolnohradskýChanges of Hepatic Functions in Obese Subjects
Roč. 25, č. 3 (1971), s. 98-103.
Jaroslav Horký, Zdeňka Slabochová, Ratmír RathPhysical and Chemical Changes and Biological Effect of Heat Adjusted Food Oils
Roč. 25, č. 3 (1971), s. 109-115.
Andrej Bučko, V. Simko, Rudolf OndreičkaSome Urgent Problems of Care of Chronic Patients in the Field of Gastroenterology
Roč. 25, č. 3 (1971), s. 116-125.
Ota Dub, Jiří Bittner