Volume 32 | Number 1
Effect of unsaturated fatty acids, administered by the parenteral route, on blood lipid levels
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), S. 3-8.
Jiří Válek, M. Kohout, D. GrafneterCytochemistry of thiamine pyrophosphatase (3.6.1.) in the gastric mucosa of the rat
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), S. 9-13.
Milan Zaviačič, Miroslav Brozman, Ján Jakubovský, Ľudovít Danihel, Ivan ĎurišIntraluminal assessment of ph by an antimony electrode, using equalization circuits
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), S. 21-24.
Alan Dolinský, I. SimacekChanges of the neurovegetative reactivity in obese women during reducing treatment
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), S. 25-29.
B. ZdichynecCholestatic syndromes in surgical diseases of the bile ducts
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), S. 33-38.
Miloslav KeclíkExperimental and clinical extracorporeal haemoperfusion of the liver
Roč. 32, č. 1 (1978), s. 39-44.
J. Vrastyak, Jan. Hökl, Michal Jurka, P. Roubal, I. Hendrich, Marie. Haslingerová, Zdeněk Gregor