December 2010
Volume 64 | Number 6
The place and detection rates of colonoscopy within a faecal occult blood test-based screening program
Original articleČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 4-9.
Summarypdf Julius Špičák, Petr Štirand, Pavel Drastich, Radim Bužga, Tomáš Hucl, Pavel Wohl, Jan Šperl, Eva Honsová, Radan Brůha, Jaroslav Hnuta, Jiří Jungwirth, Jan Kotrlík, Jana Koželuhová, Milan Lukáš, Vladimír Nosek, Daniela Pulgretová, Marek Řehoř, Dalibor Šperl, Petr Vyhnálek, Marek Beneš, Anna Jungwirthová, Jaromír PetrtýlExtraesophageal reflux up-to-date
Current overviewČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 10-14.
Summarypdf Karol Zeleník, Pavel Schwarz, Ondřej Urban, Jitka Vydrová, Pavel KomínekNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs induced colopathy, mimicking Crohn's disease
Case reportČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 15-20.
Summarypdf Laura Gombošová, Mária Zakuciová, Eduard Veseliny, Ivica Drahovská, Marián Švajdler Jr., Juraj Bober, Mária OetterováCrucial questions and answers regarding Crohn's disease therapy Conclusions of the international IBD-AHEAD project
IBDČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 21-25.
Summarypdf Milan LukášFertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases - Consensus of the ECCO 2010
IBDČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 26-30.
Summarypdf Marián BátovskýBiodegradable stents in benign stenosis of the biliary tract
EndocsopyČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 31-34.
Summarypdf Jan Hajer, Zdena Zádorová, Eva PlíškováReflection of UEGW 2010
Congress reportsČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 35-36.
pdf Julius Špičák