Volume 66 | Number 5
Gastrointestinal oncology - near future reality?
EditorialGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 330.
pdf Štěpán SuchánekReflection on the financial aspects of caring for patients with colorectal carcinoma
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 340-344.
Summarypdf Julius ŠpičákNational Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Czech Republic - past, presence and future
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 345-349.
Summarypdf Miroslav Zavoral, Štěpán Suchánek, Ondřej Májek, Bohumil Seifert, Ladislav DušekEndoscopic ablative therapy of the proctosigmoideal neoplastic lesions - a pilot study
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 357-363.
Summarypdf Peter Mlkvý, Ivan Čavarga, Anton MateášikClinical and experimental gastroenterology
Oesophageal cancer and risk factors by histological type
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 364-371.
Summarypdf Silvie Magnusková, Katerina Azeem, Vojtěch Kamarád, Hana Tomášková, Vladimír Janout, Helena KollárováDiagnosis and therapy of celiac disease: today and tomorrow
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 372-376.
Summarypdf Marián BátovskýNon alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) – every physician's concern
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 377-383.
Summarypdf Karel DvořákEndoscopy in patients with anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy
GuidelinesGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 384-389.
pdf Zdena ZádorováGuidelines forthe administration of aminosalicylates in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases
GuidelinesGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 391-400.
Summarypdf Lucie Prokopová, Dana Ďuricová, Martin Bortlík, Vladimír Zbořil, Milan LukášKomentář ke třídění funkčních dyspepsií podle kritérií "ROME I, II, III"
NewsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 401-405.
pdf Pavel ŠolcDiagnóza nízkého stupně dysplazie u pacientů s Barrettovým jícen - pravděpodobně "overdiagnosed"
NewsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 401-405.
pdf Jan MartínekKomentář k domácím publikacím o neoplaziích v Barrettově jícnu
NewsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 401-405.
pdf Julius ŠpičákHow to improve colorectal cancer screening?
Congress reportsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 406-407.
Summarypdf Gabriela VojtěchováXXI. Spring Meeting in Loket - advances in the treatment of patients with carcinoma of the pancreas
Congress reportsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 408-409.
pdf Bohuš Bunganič, Daniel LangerPrague Hepatology Meeting 2012
Congress reportsGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 410.
pdf Radan Brůha, Petr HůlekProf. MUDr. Aleš Hep, CSc., turned 60
InterviewGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 411-412.
pdf Aleš Hep, Karel Lukáš, Karel LukášBudenofalk 2 mg rectal foam represents a major new option in the treatment of patients with ulcerous colitis
Drug profileGastroent Hepatol 2012; 66(5): 413-414.
pdf Milan Lukáš