Volume 67 | Number 6
Our dreams are changing the world, but only very slowly…
EditorialGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 457.
pdf Peter MlkvýFrom China to Europe: inspiration in gastroenterology and other
EditorialGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 458-459.
pdf Julius ŠpičákThe importance of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in adolescent patient with traumatic rupture of pancreatic duct
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 474-478.
Summarypdf Jindra Lochmannová, Radan Keil, Ladislav Douda, Jiří Drábek, Jan Šťovíček, Jakub Chudý, Michal Rygl, Jiří Šnajdauf, Ondřej PetrůClinical and experimental gastroenterology
Guidelines of the Czech gastroenterological society - endoscopic treatment of Barrett's esophagus and early esophageal neoplasia
GuidelinesGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 479-487.
pdf Jan Martínek, Přemysl Falt, Jan Gregar, Vlastimil Procházka, Julius Špičák, Ondřej Urban, Stanislav Rejchrt, Alexandr Pazdro, Milada Zemanová, Aleš Hep, Jana Malušková, Magdalena Stefanová, Marius Vieth, Tomáš Jirásek, Tomáš HuclDiagnosis of disorders of gastric emptying in diabetic patients with diabetic autonomie neuropathy
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 488-493.
Summarypdf Marcela Pipková, Šárka Malá, Jan Šťovíček, Marek Honka, Milan KvapilStructure and function of the intestinal epithelial barrier
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 494-497.
Summarypdf Pavel Polák, Jana Juránková, Petr HusaHepatocellular carcinoma – our experience with surveillance, effect and complications of transarterial chemoembolization
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 498-503.
Summarypdf Kristýna Kubíčková, Petr Urbánek, Ivo Buřič, Hana Parobková, Miroslav Ryska, František Bělina, Jiří Pudil, Petra Tesařová, Martin Kupec, Libor Vítek, Miroslav ZavoralJsme připraveni přijmout změnu paradigmatu léčby časných karcinomů trávicí trubice?
NewsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 504-505.
pdf Ondřej UrbanReport of 12th Slovak-Czech IBD day in Nitra
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 506-507.
pdf Miloš Greguš22nd Congress of Gastroenterology Society of Central Germany - Frankfurt am Main
Congress reportsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 508.
pdf Jan KotrlíkAnnouncement for physicians interested in the treatment of IBD
NewsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 509.
pdf Zuzana ŠerclováXVIIIth Gastroenterological day in Rožnov
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 510-511.
pdf Martin LiberdaUEGW 2013: satisfactory Czech participation, lovely women and German accuracy
Congress reportsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 512-513.
pdf Jan MartínekLooking backof hepatologists for Congress of Czech Gastroenterology Society
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 514-515.
pdf Jan Šperl, Petr UrbánekAnnouncement of the winner of the 2nd year Kasafirek´s price
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 516.
pdf Ondřej UrbanA pioneer of ERCP Dr. Ivo Skala celebrates his anniversary
Personal newsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 517-518.
pdf Jan Martínek, Julius Špičák, Pavel Drastich, Pavel Wohl, Petr Štirand, Tomáš Hucl, Halima Gottfriedová, Marek BenešProf. Jan Lata in his sixties
Personal newsGastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(6): 519.
pdf Tomáš Vaňásek, Ondřej Urban, Petr Hůlek, Petr Dítě