August 2016
Volume 70 | Number 4
Klinická a experimentální gastroenterologie
Clinical and experimental gastroenterology
EditorialGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 291–292.
Literaturepdf Tomáš HuclClinical and experimental gastroenterology
Pancreatic cystic lesions in liver transplant recipients
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 295–299. doi:10.14735/amgh2016295
SummaryLiteraturepdf Peter Mačinga, Darina Cupalová, Dana Kautznerová, Jiří Froněk, Pavel Trunečka, Julius Špičák, Tomáš HuclA first evaluation of the Septin 9 test in the Czech Republic
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 300–304. doi:10.14735/amgh2016300
SummaryLiteraturepdf Pavel Sychra, Vlastimil Procházka, Lucie Roubalová, Jana Zapletalová, Michal KonečnýRegulation of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation in the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 305–309. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info09
SummaryLiteraturepdf Martin Ďuriček, Martin SchniererOesophageal bronchogenic cyst
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 310–312. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info11
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jarmil Šafránek, Lucie Zdrhová, Ondřej DaumApoptosis in the development of colorectal neoplasia
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 313–318. doi:10.14735/amgh2016313
SummaryLiteraturepdf Darina Kohoutová, Jaroslav Pejchal, Jiří Cyrany, Paula Morávková, Stanislav Rejchrt, Jan BurešPrimary gastric adenocarcinoma with yolk sac differentiation
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 319–324. doi:10.14735/amgh2016319
SummaryLiteraturepdf Zdeněk Diviš, Ondřej Lukáš, Jan Laco, Marcela KopáčováMetabolic profile of liver transplant recipient with respect to the development of NAFLD – results of a pilot study
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 325–330. doi:10.14735/amgh2016325
SummaryLiteraturepdf Irena Hejlová, Monika Dezortová, Petr Šedivý, Miloslav Drobný, Milan Hájek, Monika Cahová, Helena Daňková, Eva Sticová, Věra Lánská, Pavel TrunečkaUncommon manifestation of cryptogenic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 331–334. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info08
SummaryLiteraturepdf Pavel Klvaňa Jr, Marta Olbrechtová, Martin Loveček, Barbara Budínská, Petr VítekThiopurine undertreatment among inflammatory bowel disease patients referred for anti-TNF therapy
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 335–339. doi:10.14735/amgh2016335
SummaryLiteraturepdf Veronika Suchá, Barbora Kadlečková, Beáta Repáková, Ľubica Krajčíová, Ľubomír Jurgoš, Soňa Kiňová, Zuzana ZelinkováGastric outlet obstruction and obstructive jaundice as the first symptoms of primary duodenal lymphoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 340–345. doi:10.14735/amgh2016340
SummaryLiteraturepdf Hassan NaeemChapters from internal medicine
Flush, rosacea or blushing – understanding the differences
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 346–352. doi:10.14735/amgh2016346
SummaryLiteraturepdf Soahib Agouba, Peter Hyrdel, Rudolf HyrdelFalk Symposium 202 – Evolving therapies in clinical practice in IBD
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 358–359.
pdf Florian RiederThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 360–364.
pdf Irena Hejlová, Tomáš Grega, Vincent Zoundjiekpon, Veronika Psárová, Eva Škanderová, Lukáš Bača, Milan Lukáš, Martin KolářOlysio® (simeprevir)
Drug profileGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 368–370. doi:10.14735/amgh2016368
pdf Irena Hejlová