October 2016
Volume 70 | Number 5
Gastrointestinal oncology
Current principles of colorectal cancer screening – from opportunistic screening to a population-based screening program
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 383–392. doi:10.14735/amgh2016383
SummaryLiteraturepdf Tomáš Grega, Ondřej Májek, Ondřej Ngo, Norbert Král, Bohumil Seifert, Ladislav Dušek, Miroslav Zavoral, Štěpán SuchánekInterdisciplinary cooperation in colorectal cancer screening. The waiting time for colonoscopy
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 393–397. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info10
SummaryLiteraturepdf Norbert Král, Bohumil SeifertFull-thickness endoscopic resection of local residual neoplasia in the hepatic flexure – video case report
Video case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 398–401. doi:10.14735/amgh2016398
SummaryLiteraturepdf Přemysl Falt, Ondřej Urban, Martin Hanousek, Romana AndělováLong-term results after radical resection for gastric adenocarcinoma
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 402–407. doi:10.14735/amgh2016402
SummaryLiteraturepdf Filip Pazdírek, Jan Leffler, Lubomír Štěpánek, David Kostrouch, Jan Votava, Jaromír ŠimšaTotal pancreatectomy and its current place in the treatment of pancreatic diseases
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 408-412. doi:10.14735/amgh2016408
SummaryLiteraturepdf Miroslav RyskaModified FOLFIRINOX in the treatment of pancreatic cancer – efficiency and toxicity
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 413–417. doi:10.14735/amgh2016413
SummaryLiteraturepdf Michal Vočka, Luboš PetruželkaMalignant melanoma metastase in the gastrointestinal tract with unknown primary site
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 418–421. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info12
SummaryLiteraturepdf Filip Shon, Marie Kočová, Zuzana ŠtikováWatermelon stomach as the first symptom of liver cirrhosis
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 422–425. doi:10.14735/amgh2016422
SummaryLiteraturepdf Monika Kukulska, Izabela Smola, Elźbieta Poniewierka, Leszek ParadowskiRare complication of colonoscopy – complicated cholelithiasis
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 426–431. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info13
SummaryLiteraturepdf Ludmila Vondrová, Eva Hovorková, Jiří Cyrany, Marcela KopáčováPrehepatic portal hypertension
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 432–437. doi:10.14735/amgh2016432
SummaryLiteraturepdf Štěpán Šembera, Petr Hůlek, Václav Jirkovský, Tomáš Fejfar, Antonín Krajina, Petr Dulíček, Miroslav Lojík, Jan Raupach, Vendelín Chovanec, Ondřej Renc, Zdeněk Šubrt, Marcela KopáčováChapters from internal medicine
Extraoeosophageal and gastrooesophageal reflux – relationship to asthma
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 438–442. doi:10.14735/amgh2016438
SummaryLiteraturepdf Lucie Heribanová48th Annual Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club in Liverpool, 6–9th July 2016
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 444–445.
pdf Petr Dítě, Martin LovečekThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 449–452.
pdf Irena Hejlová, Tomáš Grega, Vincent Zoundjiekpon, Veronika Psárová, Michal Štěpán, Lukáš Bača, Milan Lukáš, Martin KolářUrsodeoxycholic acid
Drug profileGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 457–462. doi:10.14735/amgh2016457
Literaturepdf Jan Juřica