June 2021
Volume 75 | Number 3
Digestivní endoskopie
Current status of endoscopic full-thickness resection for treatment of colorectal neoplastic lesions
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 194–199. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021194
SummaryLiteraturepdf Přemysl FaltHybrid short-wire ERCP technique, five years of experience
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 200–206. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021200
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jaroslav Maceček, Bedřich Staňka, Petr KonvičkaSevere bleeding as a complication of endoscopic choledocho-duodenal drainage using LAMS (Hot-Axios) in the treatment of distal stenosis of the common bile duct due to pancreatic head adenocarcinoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 207–212. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021207
SummaryLiteraturepdf Roman Belica, Denisa Kudlová, Andrej Klepanec, Matúš Hoferica, Ján Haršány, Ján Rajec, Martin Habiňák, Rastislav Husťak, Jan MartínekEndoscopic bariatric therapies
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 213–220. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021213
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jan Král, Peter Mačinga, Pavel Drastich, Julius Špičák, Tomáš HuclEndoscopic and medical therapy of gastric antral vascular ectasia: case series and review of available methods
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 221–228. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021221
SummaryLiteraturepdf Michaela Šramková, Lumír Kunovský, Jiří Dolina, Štefan Konečný, Radek Kroupa, Milan DastychAnal intraepithelial neoplasia and HD anoscopy
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 229–233. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021229
SummaryLiteraturepdf Robert ProcházkaClinical and experimental gastroenterology
A rare cause of dysphagia in adult
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 234–237. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021234
SummaryLiteraturepdf Lenka Nosáková, Peter Uhrík, Michal Demeter, Peter Bánovčin, Miroslav Pindura, Martin Vojtko, Rudolf HyrdelLate tension pneumoperitoneum via the abdominal stoma after PEG-J
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 238–241. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021238
SummaryLiteraturepdf Martina Jakabovičová, Xénia Faktorová, Mária Szantová, Zuzana ĎurkovičováSwitch from original to biosimilar adalimumab SB-5 in patients with Crohn‘s disease – long-term results
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 242–251. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021242
SummaryLiteraturepdf Milan Lukáš, Martin Kolář, J. Reissigová, Milan Lukáš jr., Martin Vašátko, Veronika Hrubá, Naděžda Machková, Kateřina Černá, Dana ĎuricováTeduglutide in the treatment of short bowel syndrome in Crohn’s disease
Literární přehledGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 252–256. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021252
SummaryLiteraturepdf Laura Gombošová, Juraj KrivušPediatric gastroenterology and hepatology
Laparoscopic repair of congenital paraesophageal hernia in an 18-month-old child – a clinical case and literature review
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 257–262. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021257
SummaryLiteraturepdf Matej Gura, Barbora Špaková, Marián MolnárTelemedicine is more than a „doctor on the phone“
AktualitaGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 263–265. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2021263
pdf Kateřina MichnováEndoscopy and endotherapy in IBD, ISCARE 26. 2. 2021
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 266.
pdf Michal DemeterThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 267–269.
pdf Irena Míková, Tomáš Grega, Peter Slodička, Tomáš Tichý, Vincent Dansou ZoundjiekponCorrect answer to the previous quiz
Gastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(3): 270–271.
Literaturepdf Milan Lukáš