April 2022
Volume 76 | Number 2
Crohnova nemoc tenkého střeva s komplikovaným průběhem
QuizGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 93.
pdf Milan LukášRisk of liver fibrosis in patients undergoing surgical treatment of hip trauma
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 95–100. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202295
SummaryLiteraturepdf Martin Sedlář, Václav Šmíd, Šimon Dostál, Radan Brůha, Petr DytrychCirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction (CAID) – causes, phenotypes and consequences
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 101–111. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022101
SummaryLiteraturepdf Daniel Ján Havaj, Ľubomír SkladanýDe novo non-alcoholic fatty liver disease after liver transplantation and liver fibrosis diagnosed by magnetic resonance over 2 years
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 112–120. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022112
SummaryLiteraturepdf Světlana Adamcová Selčanová, Ľubomír Skladaný, Beata Škvarková, Beata Bachová, Lukáš Lafférs, Tomáš KollerLiver transplantation for hepatic PEComa mimicking hepatocellular carcinoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 121–126. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022121
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jana Selucká, Jiří Froněk, Luděk Voska, Dana Kautznerová, Pavel TaimrHepato-renal manifestation of untreated severe hypothyroidism
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 127–130. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022127
SummaryLiteraturepdf Mária Szántová, Xénia Faktorová, Zuzana Zelinková, Lucia Horniaková, Alena Havranová, Ľudmila Trejbalová, Zuzana ĎurkovičováChapters from internal medicine
Ketoanalogue of essential amino acids in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in preparation for kidney transplantation
HepatologyGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 131–140. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022131
SummaryLiteraturepdf Vladimír TeplanRecommended procedure of the Czech Society of Hepatology for the diagnosis and treatment of acute porphyrias – update 2022
GuidelinesGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 142. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022142
Literaturepdf Radan Brůha, Jan Šperl, Petr Urbánek, Libor VítekPrimary biliary cholangitis (PBC) – Czech Society of Hepatology guidelines for diagnosis and treatment – update (2022)
GuidelinesGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 143–144. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022143
Literaturepdf Radan Brůha, Tomáš Fejfar, Soňa Fraňková, Libuše Husová, Petr Husa, Petr Hůlek, Jan Šperl, Petr Urbánek, Tomáš Vaňásek, Libor VítekOral vitamin B12 therapy supplementation in patients with ileo-colonic resection for Crohn’s disease
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 145–151. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022145
SummaryLiteraturepdf Kristýna Kaštylová, Karin Černá , Jaroslava Hejnarová, Martin Valkus, Milan LukášLow-volume polyethylene glycol ascorbate solution (PLENVUTM) – a new generation of intestinal cleansers with high efficiency and good tolerance
Drug profileGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 153–154. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022153
Literaturepdf Milan LukášPediatric gastroenterology and hepatology
Liver function test abnormality in paediatric patients with Covid-19 – a single-centre study in the south of Iran
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 155–159. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022155
SummaryLiteraturepdf Amir Saeed, Amir Naghshzan, Seyed Mohsen DehghaniTofacitinib in the treatment of ulcerative colitis – personal experience
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 161–163.
pdf Kateřina MichnováExternal meeting of the CGS ČLS JEP committee in České Budějovice
Congress reportGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 164–165.
pdf Kateřina MichnováThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 166–167.
pdf Kristýna Kaštylová, Irena MíkováPrim. MUDr. Štefan Šafár (28. 7. 1938–19. 3. 2022)
PersonaliaGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 168–169.
pdf Martin HuorkaLife anniversary of the leading Slovak gastroenterologist Mária Zakuciová
PersonaliaGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 170–171.
pdf Martin HuorkaJaká je optimální strategie léčby u komplikovaného průběhu Crohnovy nemoci na tenkém střevě?
Answer to the quizGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 172.
pdf Milan LukášBudějovice gastroenterologické 2022 6.–7. dubna 2022
AbstractsGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 174–179.
pdfKreditovaný autodidaktický test: hepatologie
Gastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(2): 180.