April 2023
Volume 77 | Number 2
Clinical course of patients with hepatorenal tyrosinemia treated with nitisinone – a 10-year prospective cohort study
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 97–102. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202397
SummaryLiteraturepdf Seyed Mohsen Dehghani, Leyla Salarian, Fateme Parooie, Morteza Salarzaei, Masoud Tahani, Farnaz Samiee, Anis Amirhakimi, Mojtaba Delaramnasab, Iraj ShahramianNeurobiology of liver diseases
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 103–111. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023103
SummaryLiteraturepdf Mária Szántová, Boris MravecHepatic parenchyma changes in obese paediatric patients
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 112–122. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023112
SummaryLiteraturepdf Marek Pršo, Linda Pršová, Zuzana Havlíčeková, Zuzana Michnová, Marek Kozár, Kristián Pršo, Peter Bánovčin jr., Ľubomír Skladaný, Peter BánovčinUltra-processed food – a threat to liver health
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 123–129. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023123
SummaryLiteraturepdf Marek Rác, Martin Janičko, Tomáš Koller, Ľubomír SkladanýTelemedicine in hepatology – promising solution for our patients?
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 130–135. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023130
SummaryLiteraturepdf Daniel Ján Havaj, Světlana Adamcová Selčanová, Daniela Žilinčanová, Ľubomír Skladaný, Jana VnenčákováPediatric gastroenterology and hepatology
Autoimmune pancreatitis in childhood
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 136–139. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023136
SummaryLiteraturepdf Tereza Sarnovská, Kateřina Jelínková, Filip Neumann, Dagmar Barnetová, René HrdličkaInternational experience with Crohn’s disease exclusion diet (CDED) with partial enteral nutrition (PEN)
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 140–144. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023140
SummaryLiteraturepdf Nabil El-LababidiFilgotinib in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases
Drug profileGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 145–146. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023145
Literaturepdf Milan LukášKulatý stůl: Subkutánní infliximab v léčbě IBD a terapeutické monitorování hladin léčiva v praxi
AktualitaGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 147–153. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023147
Literaturepdf Karin ČernáResults of robotic colorectal surgery at IIIrd surgical department 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University
Review articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 154–157. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023154
SummaryLiteraturepdf Barbora Jíšová, Jiří Skořepa, Jan Pastor, Pavel Hladík, Robert LischkeThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 159–162.
pdf Irena Míková, Kristýna Kaštylová, Silvia Cveková, Robert Pospíšil, Vincent Dansou ZoundjiekponOn the anniversary of the life of Prof. Marie Brodanová, MD, DrSc.
PersonaliaGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 164–165.
pdf Petr UrbánekFatální průběh zánětlivého onemocnění
Answer to the quizGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 167–168.
Literaturepdf Martin Bortlík, Marie Nováková, Róbert Balog, Ivo Horný, Adéla Stehlíková