Hepatobiliary complications in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
Miroslava Brndiarová1, Nikola Haláčová1, Marek Kozár2, Michal Demeter3, Martin Schnierer Orcid.org 3, Zuzana Havlíčeková Orcid.org 1
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Introduction: Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare, phenotypically variable primary ciliopathy. Kidney and liver damage are typical manifestations, and the prognosis of the disease depends on their progression over time. The main extrarenal manifestation is fibrocystic rebuilding of the liver, which is manifested by intrahepatic portal hypertension and cholangitis. Methods: The aim of the retrospective study was to evaluate the incidence and development hepatobiliary manifestations. Results: Eight children with polycystic autosomal recessive kidney disease were included in the group. Renal damage and hypertension were present in all children. Hepatobiliary manifestations were described in five children (62.5%). Thrombocytopenia preceded splenomegaly by one year. The results also include three case reports. Conclusion: Patients with ARPKD should be examined with a focus on the presence of hepatic manifestations of the disease.
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, fibrocystic disorder, esophageal varices, thrombocytopeniaTo read this article in full, please register for free on this website.
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