The use of Watanabe spigots in the management of bronchoesophageal fistulas
Marek Vojtko1, Martin Ďuriček 1, Michal Demeter1, Ivan Kocan2, Anton Dzian3, Peter Bánovčin1
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Bronchoesophageal and bronchogastric fistulas are rare complications of thoracic surgery as esophagectomy, malignancy or prolonged endotracheal intubation. Although uncommon, their morbidity and mortality is substantial. Treatment of these fistulas is challenging and often lengthy with limited success rates. Endoscopic treatment may be the treatment of choice for some types of fistulas, but despite a variety of methods available, the success rate is relatively low with little consistent data about its effectiveness. At the same time, new technologies and devices have become available with a potential to address these complicated conditions. One of them are Watanabe spigots, initially used in pneumology for the treatment of persistent pneumothorax and pyothorax with bronchial fistula. In the presented case reports Watanabe spigots are used in combination with over-the-scope clips in two of our patients with bronchoesophageal fistulas fol lowing esophagectomy with promising results. We also present an overview of endoscopic methods of therapy in the context of and separately discuss available evidence about the possibilities of the use of Watanabeho spigots in the treatment of bronchoesophageal fistulas.
bronchoesophageal fistula, Watanabe spigot, esophagectomy, over-the-scope clipTo read this article in full, please register for free on this website.
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