Training in endoscopic methods using a pig ex-vivo simulator-assessment by participants
Jan Martínek 1,2, Štěpán Suchánek3, Filip Závada 4, Magdalena Stefanová 5, Alice Štrosová 6, Barbora Svobodová 7, Miroslav Zavoral 3
+ Affiliation
Introduction and aim: Animal ex-vivo simulators are increasingly being used for training in basic as well as advanced endoscopic procedures. The aim of the study was to analyze the participants' assessment of the course.
Methods: A questionnaire-based study. All participants involved in the following courses: hemostasis, perforation closure, endoscopic resection and polypectomy, endoscopic dissection, esophageal stenting and the use of OVESCO clips filled in a questionnaire. The participants answered questions concerning the benefit and quality of these courses using a visual analogue scale (from 0 = the worse to 100 = the best).
Results: In total, 129 subjects-doctors participated in 32 courses. The great majority of them assessed the participation as beneficial (mean ± SD: 99.5 ± 1.5) and thought that the course improved their endoscopic skills (91.2 ± 13). The majority of participants also agreed that such courses should be compulsory in gastroenterological credentials (88.4 ± 18). The participants similarly evaluated all the above-mentioned course types.
Conclusion: The great majority of participants assess hands-on training courses involving animal ex-vivo simulators as beneficial, improving their endoscopic skills. The majority of participants also agreed that such courses should be compulsory in gastroenterological credentials.
hemostasis, perforationTo read this article in full, please register for free on this website.
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