Results from the evaluation of colorectal cancer screening in the Czech Republic
Ondřej Ngo1,2, Renata Chloupková1,2, Štěpán Suchánek3, Monika Ambrožová1,2, Kateřina Hejcmanová2,1, Petr Dvořák1, Miroslav Zavoral 3, Karel Hejduk2,1, Ladislav Dušek 1,2, Ondřej Májek 2,1
+ Affiliation
Introduction: Colorectal cancer screening, which was introduced in the Czech Republic in 2000, plays an important role in reducing the population burden. It is necessary to continuously evaluate the organised population-based program and introduce necessary adjustments to ensure its high effectiveness, which in the long term leads to a reduction in the incidence and mortality of the disease. The aim of this article is to summarise and discuss the key results of the evaluation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program based on available national data. Material and methods: The evaluation used the registries of the National Health Information System, the Registry of Preventive Colonoscopies, and data on population demographics managed by the Czech Statistical Office. The analysis was carried out on available data up to 2021. Basic indicators were calculated in accordance with international recommendations, which were adapted for the Czech environment. Results: A number of performance indicators for colorectal screening demonstrate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Coverage of the target population by screening has stabilised at around 30% before the pandemic. Considering a three-year interval, the full coverage of the target population by screening reaches around 50%. Participation rates for follow-up colonoscopy after a positive faecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening ranged between 60 and 70% over time. FOBT screening positivity increased in the recent years up to 10%, which is reflected in the increase in the average waiting time for follow-up FOBT+ colonoscopy. Despite the identified limitations of the screening program, there has been a clear long-term decline in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. Conclusion: The comprehensive screening information system enables the evaluation of colorectal screening. The evaluated indicators show that despite the positive impact of the screening program on the population burden, it still has its opportunities for improvement, and therefore it is essential to continue its monitoring in order to improve the quality of the whole program.
colonoscopy, colorectal neoplasms, mass screening, occult blood, program evaluation, performance indicators, registries
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