The selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(3): 243–246.
pdf Irena Míková, Silvia Cveková, Robert Pospíšil, Kristýna Kaštylová, Vincent Dansou ZoundjiekponThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(1): 61–63.
pdf Irena Míková, Lumír Kunovský, Vincent Dansou Zoundjiekpon, Robert PospíšilThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(2): 174–177.
Summarypdf Irena Míková, Vincent Dansou Zoundjiekpon, Silvia Cveková, Kristýna Zdychyncová, Robert Pospíšil, Lumír KunovskýEndoscopic submucosal dissection in a population with a low incidence of gastric cancer
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(3): 236–241. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2024236
SummaryLiteraturepdf Ondřej Urban, Přemysl Falt, Vincent Dansou Zoundjiekpon, Daniela Skanderová, Daniela Kurfürstová, Dušan KlosThe selection from international journals
CommentsGastroent Hepatol 2024; 78(3): 266–268.
pdf Irena Míková, Lumír Kunovský, Vincent Dansou Zoundjiekpon, Kristýna Zdychyncová