Watermelon stomach as the first symptom of liver cirrhosis
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 422–425. doi:10.14735/amgh2016422
SummaryLiteraturepdf Monika Kukulska, Izabela Smola, Elźbieta Poniewierka, Leszek ParadowskiGastric outlet obstruction and obstructive jaundice as the first symptoms of primary duodenal lymphoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 340–345. doi:10.14735/amgh2016340
SummaryLiteraturepdf Hassan NaeemUncommon manifestation of cryptogenic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 331–334. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info08
SummaryLiteraturepdf Pavel Klvaňa Jr, Marta Olbrechtová, Martin Loveček, Barbara Budínská, Petr VítekPrimary gastric adenocarcinoma with yolk sac differentiation
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 319–324. doi:10.14735/amgh2016319
SummaryLiteraturepdf Zdeněk Diviš, Ondřej Lukáš, Jan Laco, Marcela KopáčováRare complication of colonoscopy – complicated cholelithiasis
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 426–431. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info13
SummaryLiteraturepdf Ludmila Vondrová, Eva Hovorková, Jiří Cyrany, Marcela KopáčováMalignant melanoma metastase in the gastrointestinal tract with unknown primary site
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(5): 418–421. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info12
SummaryLiteraturepdf Filip Shon, Marie Kočová, Zuzana ŠtikováOesophageal bronchogenic cyst
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(4): 310–312. doi:10.14735/amgh2016csgh.info11
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jarmil Šafránek, Lucie Zdrhová, Ondřej DaumSevere (complicated) hepatitis A in Cotonou (Benin) concerning an incompletely vaccinated Spanish expatriate
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(3): 241–243. doi:10.14735/amgh2016241
SummaryLiteraturepdf Aboudou Raïmi Kpossou, Kouessi Anthelme Agbodandé, Vincent Zoundjiekpon, Nicolas KodjohFirst submucosal endoscopic tunnelling resection of a subepithelial tumour (GIST) in the Czech Republic
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(3): 226–229. doi:10.14735/amgh2016226
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jan Martínek, Julius Špičák, Pavel Wohl, Petr Štirand, Tomáš Haruštiak, Jana Malušková, Zuzana VackováEndoscopic management of sigmoid volvulus
Case reportGastroent Hepatol 2016; 70(3): 217–219. doi:10.14735/amgh2016217
SummaryLiteraturepdf Ivana Mikoviny Kajzrlíková, Petr Vítek, Martin Chrostek