Hepatic parenchyma changes in obese paediatric patients
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 112–122. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2023112
SummaryLiteraturepdf Marek Pršo, Linda Pršová, Zuzana Havlíčeková, Zuzana Michnová, Marek Kozár, Kristián Pršo, Peter Bánovčin jr., Ľubomír Skladaný, Peter BánovčinClinical course of patients with hepatorenal tyrosinemia treated with nitisinone – a 10-year prospective cohort study
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(2): 97–102. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202397
SummaryLiteraturepdf Seyed Mohsen Dehghani, Leyla Salarian, Fateme Parooie, Morteza Salarzaei, Masoud Tahani, Farnaz Samiee, Anis Amirhakimi, Mojtaba Delaramnasab, Iraj ShahramianEpidemiological and demographic characteristics of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome based on the Rome III vs. Rome IV criteria in the Northern part of Serbia
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(1): 43–51. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202343
SummaryLiteraturepdf Dusan Slankamenac, Darko Dabic, Aleksandra Dabic, Tamara Slankamenac, Andrej PrevedenGastrointestinal dysfunctions and their influence on the quality of life in aging adults with spinal cord injury
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(1): 38–42. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202338
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jarmila Štěpánová, Petr Pliska, Kateřina RaisováTwo years of the COVID-19 pandemic in the population of Czech patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with biological therapy – experience of the tertiary IBD center
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2023; 77(1): 14–20. doi: 10.48095/ccgh202314
SummaryLiteraturepdf Karin Černá , Milan LukášEndoscopic findings in cirrhotic children candidates for liver transplantation
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(6): 479–484. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022479
SummaryLiterature Seyed Mohsen Dehghani, Maryam Abbasi, Maryam Ataollahi, Masoud Tahani, Fateme Parooie, Iraj ShahramianThe impact of insulin resistance and NAFLD after liver transplantation on patient survival and development of chronic kidney disease
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(5): 429–441. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022429
SummaryLiteraturepdf Irena Míková, Denisa Kyselová, Kateřina Dvořáková, Monika Dezortová, Milan Hájek, Monika Cahová, Helena Daňková, Věra Lánská, Julius Špičák, Pavel TrunečkaEndosonography and elastography in the diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(5): 418–428. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022418
SummaryLiteraturepdf Peter Uhrík, Lenka Nosáková, Michal Kalman, Miroslav Pindura, Zuzana Uhríková, Peter BánovčinIs it possible to individualize discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy before preventive colonoscopy?
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(5): 386–391. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022386
SummaryLiteraturepdf Jiří Cyrany, Kateřina Hejcmanová, Renata Chloupková, Ondřej Ngo, Ondřej Májek, Miroslav Zavoral, Štěpán Suchánek, Stanislav Rejchrt, Ilja TachecíColorectal cancer screening program in the Czech Republic – 2021 quality indicators evaluation
Original articleGastroent Hepatol 2022; 76(5): 379–385. doi: 10.48095/ccgh2022379
SummaryLiteraturepdf Renata Chloupková, Ondřej Ngo, Štěpán Suchánek, Miroslav Zavoral, Karel Hejduk, Ondřej Májek, Lucie Martykánová