The results of secondary prevention for colorectal cancer in region of Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic in years 2003-2004
Original articleČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2007; 61(1): 17 - 21.
Summary Eva Tomsová, Michal Vašíček, Juraj Marček, Alena Kubíčková, Oldřich Šlégl, Pavel Wohl, Jan MartínekSuccessful treatment of the resistant peptic oesophageal stricture by self-expanding plastic stent
EndocsopyČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2007; 61(1): 34 - 38.
Summary Michal Vašíček, Eva Tomsová, Juraj Marček, Oldřich Šlégl, Jan MartínekSuccesful endoscopy treatment of great esophagus perforation during balloon dilatation of cardia in patient with achalasia
Case reportČes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2008; 62(2): 84-87.
Summary Jan Martínek, Štěpánka Kováčová, Vladimír Nosek, Tomáš Verner, Michal Vašíček, Julius ŠpičákCefamandol in the prevention of cholangitis complicating retrograde cholangiopanreatography
Roč. 51, č. 6 (1997), s. 201-206.
J. Špičák, E. Šebek, Pavel Drastich, Daniela Pulgretová, Ivo Skála, Michal Vašíček